Roles & Responsibilities
Learn about your roles and responsibilities when engaged in experiential learning.

Understanding Your Strengths, Values and Interests
Recognize the benefits of identifying your strengths, values and interests and articulate how they relate to an experience.

Learn about what reflection is and why it is essential to experiential learning.

Setting Goals
Explore strategies for setting goals to get the most out of your experience.

Developing a Personal Learning Plan for Competency Development
Undertake a set of goal-setting steps in order to create a “personal learning plan” for competency development in your experiential learning opportunity.

Reflecting on Your Competency Development
Identify competencies you developed in your experiential learning opportunity and communicate them on resumes and in interviews.

Introduction to Community-Engaged Learning
Explore ideas, theories and activities related to community-engaged learning (CEL).

Preparing for Community-Engaged Learning
Explore strategies to maximize your community-engaged learning course.

Success in a Remote Environment
Explore strategies for success in a remote environment.
All materials have been designed to meet WCAG 2.0 accessibility standards. All videos have been captioned. Learning objects are keyboard accessible and/or alternative formats are provided.
This project has been funded through the MTCU Career Ready Fund.